i am using jqwidgets .

I am trying to implement JQxGrid.At this moment,I am getting Json encoded values returned by linkrenderer javascript variable like this:

  <a href="http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid1">http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid1</a>

  <a href="http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid2">http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid2</a>

  <a href="http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid3">http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid3</a>

But i want "linkrenderer" to return results like this:

  <a href="http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid1">myid1</a>

  <a href="http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid2">myid2</a>

  <a href="http://www.jqwidgets.com/edit/myid3">myid3</a>

I would appreciate your help in this regard.

My code:

  <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        // prepare the data
        var source =
            datatype: "json",
            datafields: [
                { name: 'CompanyName', type: 'string'},
                { name: 'ContactName', type: 'string'},
                { name: 'ContactTitle', type: 'string'},
                {name: 'CustomerID',type:'string'},

            url: 'data.php',
            cache: false

       var linkrenderer = function (row, column, value)
            if (value.indexOf('#') != -1) {
                value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf('#'));
            value = "http://www.myurl.com/edit/" + value;
            var format = { target: '"_blank"' };
            var html = $.jqx.dataFormat.formatlink(value, format);
            return html;

        var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);

           width: 600,
            source: dataAdapter,
            theme: 'classic',
             pageable: true,
            autorowheight: true,
            autoheight: true,
            altrows: true,

            columns: [
              { text: 'Company Name', datafield: 'CompanyName', width: 250},
              { text: 'ContactName', datafield: 'ContactName', width: 150 },
              { text: 'Contact Title', datafield: 'ContactTitle', width: 180 },
               { text: 'CustomerID', cellclassname: 'column', datafield: 'CustomerID', width: 180, cellsrenderer: (linkrenderer) },

          ready: function () {
                var rows = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrows');
                for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                    var currentCell = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getcellvalue', i, "CustomerID");

 $.getJSON( dataAdapter, function( data ) {
var items = [];

 $.each( data, function( key, val ) {
  items.push( "<li id='" + key + "'>" + val + "</li>" );

 $( "<ul/>", {
   "class": "my-new-list",
   html: items.join( "" )
  }).appendTo( "#jqxgrid" );

<body class='default'>
  <div id="jqxgrid"></div></body>

1 Answer 1


Instead of using $.jqx.dataFormat.formatlink() to create the html of your link, why don't you create it on your own? So your function LinkRenderer() should look like this :

var href = "http://www.myurl.com/edit/" + value;
return '<a href="'+href+'" target="_blank">'+value+'</a>';

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