My Question Is Regarding With Unity3D. I have a list of image urls downloaded from http. I just want to show these images on GUILayout.BeginScrollView. I searched About it from few days but not get any appropriate answer.

Here is my code Sample,

public void OnSuccess(object responseFromServer)
  File imageObj = (File)responseFromServer;
  IList<File.Image> imageList = imageObj.GetFileList();
  for (int i = 0; i < imageList.Count; i++)
    Debug.Log ("Downloaded Image Url Is  : " + imageList[i].GetUrl());

Now, I have a number of Image Urls, But how to show images of these urls on GUILayout.BeginScrollview. Thanx for any help.

2 Answers 2


@Akshay hi, You are all set, just try this ...

if you have a list of images , then add them in an IList, got it, and use texture2D inOrder to show these images to scrollview. Look at this , i think its your answer...

public void OnSuccess(object responseFromServer)
  File imageObj = (File)responseFromServer;
  IList<File.Image> imageList = imageObj.GetFileList();
  for (int i = 0; i < imageList.Count; i++)
    Debug.Log ("Downloaded Image Url Is  : " + imageList[i].GetUrl());
// just add this in your callBack response. ClassName shoud be where you want to show your // images i.e OnGUI defined..


Now write this restcall in your main class from where you want to add these images to scrollview... it is really quite simple..

private static Your_class_Name con = null;

    public static Your_class_Name GetInstance ()
                            if (con == null) {
                                    con = (new GameObject ("Your_class_Name")).AddComponent<Your_class_Name> ();
                                    return con;
                            } else {
                                    return con;

public string ExecuteShow (string url)
               string responseFromServer = null;
               StartCoroutine (ShowAllImages (url));
               return responseFromServer;

            IEnumerator ShowAllImages (string uri)
                    IEnumerator e = executeShowAll (uri);
                    while (e.MoveNext())
                            yield return e.Current;

    IEnumerator executeShowAll (string url)
                    WWW www = new WWW (url);
                    while (!www.isDone) 

                                    yield return null;  
                            if (www.isDone)


now you are finding what's that listOfImages.. this is just a "IList listOfImages = new List();" , the purpose behind this is.. see that..

//========Setting Up ScrollView====================================================        
                scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition, GUILayout.Width(155));
                if(listOfImages.Count > 1)
                        for(int i=0; i<listOfImages.Count; i++)
                                Texture2D myImage = (Texture2D)listOfImages[i];

I think, you got it... coz i worked on it .. nd it is reallly very simple..


If you can get your images in Texture2D, I have the working code for the scrollview.

void OnGUI()
        scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView (new Rect (250f,10f,500f,1000f),scrollPosition, new Rect (10f, 0f, 250f, snaps.Length*150f));
        for(int i=0;i<snaps.Length;i++)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f,10f+i*140f,250f,200f),snaps[i]);

For texture2D from server use this

IEnumerator Start() 
    WWW www = new WWW(url);
    yield return www;

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