Normally when I go to node js website there is only one exe file to download. And I don't need to install many packages only one or two, so I don't need a manager. For Example I'm interested in it: https://npmjs.org/package/node-ffi - And what I'm supposed to do with that, download it and put it zipped in the same folder than node.exe ? Do it install creatin some registry keys or what ? Do I must have some type of compiler or git ?

  • Why not use npm? It is included with the standard Windows distribution of Nodejs. It keeps things properly organized, installed and updated easily. As one package may depend on another, you're going to potentially need to do a lot of manual work. Dec 1, 2013 at 12:58
  • Where it is included ? There is only one node.exe file to download ? Is it included in there ? Do I have to run in from *.js file ?
    – rsk82
    Dec 1, 2013 at 13:12
  • Just grab the installer (msi): nodejs.org/download after installation, from a newly opened command prompt, npm will be in the path. Dec 1, 2013 at 13:14
  • Yes, but that would not be portable install, it will leave information on my system partition and when I ghost it back, all this is gone.
    – rsk82
    Dec 1, 2013 at 13:48
  • What is "ghost it back"? You hadn't mentioned that you wanted a portable install. Dec 1, 2013 at 14:34

2 Answers 2


Even though you need node-ffi I recommend that you use npm as you will find it easier to install other packages later and to handle upgrades to existing packages.

That being said to install node-ffi It seems like you will need to compile C++ code which means that it will be considerably easier (assuming you have setup your build tools compile C++ on Windows) then to install node-ffi by hand.

If you install the Node via the Windows installer you will get npm which is the official way to install packages.


I wouldn't recommend you try to manage packages manually. You'll find it very cumbersome if you use more than a couple (and many packages will have other package dependencies that you'll need to locate correctly). If you want to have a portable install of NPM, you'll need to grab the source code for NPM from its Github repository (and you can just grab the zip download if you want):


Then, you should be able to use the npm.cmd file in the folder


for NPM functionality. You might want to add it (and node.exe) to your environment path.

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