I've written a function to get the maximum value from a list of nested lists, I have the general form of the function down right; it works on flat lists and nested lists but seems to fail when there are sibling nested lists.

Here is my code:

(define (multi-max array)
    ((null? array) 0)
    ((number? (car array))
      (if (> (car array) (multi-max (cdr array)))
       (car array)
       (multi-max (cdr array))))
    ((pair? (car array))
     (multi-max (car array)))
     (multi-max (cdr array)))))

Here is a test list that it fails on: (multi-max '(1 9 83 9 (332 (334) (2 3 4224))))

I'm not sure where I'm going wrong, logically, some help would be nice!

  • This problem is absolutely begging for the application of the Design Recipe (cf. htdp.org ). Specifically: what's the data definition for your input? Jan 11, 2010 at 22:37

1 Answer 1


I didn't locate the logical error so I rewrote it in a more recursive way :)
It's important to identify the recursive parts first before writing our function.

multi-max can be defined recursively as multi-max = max(multi-max(car), multi-max(cdr))

(define (multi-max array)
  (cond ((pair? array) (max (multi-max (car array)) (multi-max (cdr array))))
        ((number? array) array)
        (else 0)))

(multi-max '(1 9 83 9 (332 (334) (2 3 4224))))
now outputs 4224.

Edit: Ok, I think I found the error:

((pair? (car array))
 (multi-max (car array)))
 (multi-max (cdr array))))

The code ignores the (cdr array) in the (pair? ) part and (car array)
in the (else ) part.

It should be:

(else (max (multi-max (car array)) (multi-max (cdr array))))

(*) note that the (pair? ) is removed.


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