
Is there a way to loop the alignment code?

Because I want to display this kind of output. Please click here

How can I change settings of alignment and incrementation of numbers if I'm going to use loop?

This is a sample of the codes I have:

 mov cx, 5     ; counter

 try:          ; loop

 mov ah,2      
 mov bh,1      ;1st column number 1
 mov dl,12
 int 10h

 Mov ah, 2
 Mov dl, 49    ; display 1
 int 21h

 mov ah,2      
 mov bh,2      ;2nd column number 1
 mov dl,10
 int 10h

 Mov ah, 2
 Mov dl, 49    ; display 1
 int 21h

 mov ah,2      
 mov bh,2      ;2nd column number 2
 mov dl,14
 int 10h

 Mov ah, 2
 Mov dl, 50    ; display 2
 int 21h

 loop try

Please help me.

Thanks =}

1 Answer 1


The algorithm is farily simple. Here's some C-ish code to give you an idea of how to do it (I'll leave the assembly implementation to you since it's your assignment):

#define ROWS 5

for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
    move_to_xy(ROWS - (row + 1), row);
    for (int column = 0; column < row + 1; column++) {
        printf("%d ", column + 1);
  • That's the problem Sir. I am not that familiar with Assembly's syntax. I do not know what to used. Dec 5, 2013 at 12:25
  • Download the x86 instruction set reference and start reading.
    – Michael
    Dec 5, 2013 at 12:41

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