So the problem I've been given is this: List of all course numbers and course description and if the course has a prerequisites, the prerequisite’s course name and number.

The table includes course_no, description (name of the course), cost, prerequisites. I know I need to compare the prerequisites to the course_no since the prerequisites contains the course_no for the course the student must have completed.

I cannot for the life of me figure out the subquery in order to compare to the two and return the description of the prerequisite course.

Any help?

1 Answer 1

select Course_No,course_Name,
isnull(prerequisite_course_name,'No Prerequisite') as prerequisite_course_name,
isnull(prerequisite_course_no,'No Prerequisite')as prerequisite_course_no 
from course A 
left join Course_Prerequisite B on A.Course_no = B.Course_No

Does this help?

  • yes and no. so if I got course A and course B, I need to compare a.prerequisite to b.course_no and then output b.description as the description for a.prerequisite
    – JStudz
    Dec 6, 2013 at 3:16
  • I suppose you have two table, Course and Course_Prerequisite. Then you join the two table to get description. Isnt that all the requirement? Anyway you have any sample format of tables you have and output you expected?
    – vasin1987
    Dec 6, 2013 at 4:09
  • it's just one table course with the columns course_no, description, cost and prerequisite
    – JStudz
    Dec 6, 2013 at 12:17
  • Can you provide sample of output you wanna see? I cant imagine what it
    – vasin1987
    Dec 7, 2013 at 9:40
  • Course_no Description PreReq Description 25 Intro to Programming 140 Structured Analysis That's what I'm looking for. So the preqreq # and description match, prereq is a course_no
    – JStudz
    Dec 9, 2013 at 23:35

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