I want to sort list of class objects.

class tocka
Point t;
double kut;
int redkotiranja;

public tocka(Point _t, double _kut, int _redkotiranja)
t = _t;
kut = _kut;
redkotiranja = _redkotiranja;

Here is the list:

List<tocka> tocke= new List<tocka>();
tocka a = new tocka(new Point(0, 1), 10, 1);
tocka b = new tocka(new Point(5, 1), 10, 1);
tocka c = new tocka(new Point(2, 1), 10, 1);
tocka d = new tocka(new Point(1, 1), 10, 1);
tocka ee = new tocka(new Point(9, 1), 10, 1);

I want to sort list tocke by t.X

How I do that in C#?


5 Answers 5


Using LINQ:

tocke = tocke.OrderBy(x=> x.t.X).ToList();

Make t public.


Direct solution without LINQ (just list sorting, no additional list creation).

Providing that t is made public:

  tocke.Sort((left, right) => left.t.X - right.t.X); 

But the best way, IMHO, is to make class tocka comparable:

class tocka: IComparable<tocka> {

  public int Compare(tocka other) {
    if (Object.RefrenceEquals(other, this))
      return 0;
    else if (Object.RefrenceEquals(other, null))
      return 1;

    return t.X - other.t.X; // <- Matthew Watson's idea

// So you can sort the list by Sort:

  • +1 for providing an answer that doesn't copy the list into another collection, sort it, then copy it back into another list - thus avoiding a bad case of LINQitis. ;) BTW I think you can simplify the comparison by just returning (other.t.X - t.X) since the value only needs to be +ve, -ve or 0. Dec 12, 2013 at 8:38

You can use LINQ, for instance like this:

tocke.Sort( (x,y) => x.t.X.CompareTo(y.t.X) );

but first you have to make t public, at least when getting it:

public Point t { get; private set; }
  • First of all you should add the public modifier to your class.
  • Second you should refactor your fields to properties. It is suggested to expose properties to the public than fields.

Then the solution would be as follwos

public class Tocka
    public Point Point { get; private set; }

As answer to your question you shall use Linq

List<Tocka> l = ...
var orderedTocka = l.OrderBy(i => i.Point.X);

Note: Just be sure that Point is never null, otherwise the Linq-Query listed above won't work


You can sort in-place using:

tocke.Sort((a, b) => a.t.X.CompareTo(b.t.X));

Or using LINQ (creates a new list):

tocke = tocke.OrderBy(x=> x.t.X).ToList();

You should probably encapsulate t as a property. Also, if t can be null, you should add nullity checks to the above lambdas.

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