Does anyone know anything about Embedded Glassfish? I want to run some of my EJB tests, but I do not want to start and stop the glassfish-embedded every time I run a test.

According to the plugin documentation I should put this in the POM :


This is all good. I can 'run' this embedded glassfish and I get this in my console which proves that its up and running :

Information: test was successfully deployed in 1,124 milliseconds. PlainTextActionReporterSUCCESSDescription: deploy AdminCommandApplication deployed with name test. [name=test Dec 16, 2013 6:03:29 PM PluginUtil doDeploy Information: Deployed test Hit ENTER to redeploy, X to exit

However when I 'Run' My Test files, a new instance of the embedded glassfish is created.

My test files are not picking up the currently running container.

Here is a Testfile if it helps :

public class Test extends TestCase {

    private Context ctx;
    private EJBContainer ejbContainer;

    public Test(String testName) {

    public void setUp() {
        ejbContainer = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer();

        System.out.println("Opening the container");

        ctx = ejbContainer.getContext();

    public void tearDown() {
        System.out.println("Closing the container");

    public void testApp() throws Exception {
        TemperatureConverter converter = (TemperatureConverter) ctx.lookup("java:global/classes/TemperatureConverter");

1 Answer 1


Just spotted this question as I've been playing around with embedded glassfish myself and having a few config issues, mainly related to logging output.

The way I use embedded glassfish for testing is to bind it to the Maven integration test phase e.g.

            <!-- Start embedded GlassFish -->

And use the Maven Failsafe Plugin to execute tests as part of the verify goal. These become more like integration tests though. If you name your test file with a suffix of IT e.g. myTestFileIT.java then they should be picked up automatically.

You can then run the tests by executing the following Maven command:

 mvn verify

I was originally using embedded Jetty which is where I had this setup working really well, I've found glassfish to be a bit more fiddly and quite time consuming to configure exactly as I require.

Hope this helps in some way with your problem.

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