I have JSON endpoint which is used to add product to cart. It checks whether the cart already exists or no. If not then it creates a cart and the cart Id is stored in cookie. So I how do I attach cookie to the symfony2's JsonResponse ?

In a non ajax version if I am rendering a template from my action I can use:

$response = new Response();
$response->headers->setCookie(new Cookie(‘cookie_name’, ‘cookie_value’));

$this->render('<template_path>', '<array_options>', $response);

Please help me on how to do it for a JsonResponse.

1 Answer 1


In my opinion, you will find the answer under the following links:

How can i send json response in symfony2 controller



The best way, to see links and learn, but if you will not find the answer, maybe this will be good:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

$response = new Response();
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
$response->headers->setCookie(new Cookie(‘cookie_name’, ‘cookie_value’));

return $response;

There is also a helpful JsonResponse class, which can make this even easier:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;

$response = new JsonResponse();
$response->headers->setCookie(new Cookie(‘cookie_name’, ‘cookie_value’));

return $response;

I hope, this will be helpfull :)

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