I have a clientid and username and i want them both send with the socket.

 client.userid = userid;
 client.username = username;
 client.emit('onconnected', { id: client.userid, name: client.username });

i tried this for example but it doesn't seem to work

3 Answers 3


You can try this

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  socket.on('event_name', function(data) {
      // you can try one of these three options

      // this is used to send to all connecting sockets
      io.sockets.emit('eventToClient', { id: userid, name: username });
      // this is used to send to all connecting sockets except the sending one
      socket.broadcast.emit('eventToClient',{ id: userid, name: username });
      // this is used to the sending one
      socket.emit('eventToClient',{ id: userid, name: username });

and on the client

 socket.on('eventToClient',function(data) {
    // do something with data
       var id = data.id
       var name = data.name // here, it should be data.name instead of data.username


Try sending the object as a whole:

var loginDetails={  
    userid : userid,  
    username : username  

You should pass an object to socket event.

In server-side:

socket.emit('your-event', { name: 'Whatever', age: 18 })

In client-side:

socket.on('your-event', ({ name, age }) => {
    // name: Whatever
    // age: 18

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