I was drawing a background image in the Draw method with several paths (CGPath) over it. To avoid drawing the background image every time a setNeedDisplay is called (when a path changes), I've created a layer with the content = background image.

This layer is added when the background image is set:

Layer.InsertSublayer(backgroundLayer, 0);

And the paths are drawn in the Draw method:

   public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)
    using (CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
      CGPath path = new CGPath();

It seems that the drawing of the paths is being made in the "main" Layer, that is the superlayer of the background layer that I create (this is my assumption, don't know for sure).

Is it possible to draw the shapes in a different Layer (this way I could add a second layer to the superlayer and change the sublayer zposition)?

Thanks for your help,

L. Pinho

  • I need a little more information than this. It looks like there is some confusion between UIKit UIView and CGAnimation's CALayer. First, the content property, is "backgroundImage" a CGImage or a UIImage? If it is a UIImage then that is the first problem. The content needs to be a CGImage. Also, you are using CGContext in the UIView's draw method. Did you intend to make a CALayer or a UIView? You don't necessarily need a second layer to change the zPosition. Although it would make everything cleaner.
    – JamWils
    Dec 19, 2013 at 17:46
  • Hi Jan, I'm using a CALayer that I add to the self.Layer, at this time I'm using a UIImage to set the content (I will change to CGImage). Yes, I'm using the Draw method of the UIView to get the CGContext to draw the paths. I want to use a 2nd layer to avoid redrawing the background image every time I change the paths drawn over it. Hope you can help me.
    – lpinho
    Dec 20, 2013 at 9:05


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