Is there a way in Xcode to go to the last edit location? I know the Command + Z combination, but when I go to another location to edit, Command + Z doesn't go to the last edit location. Instead it goes to the current location. Is there any way to go to the last edit location like in Eclipse?

Also, when I do Command + left-click in a controller, I want to go to the controller's .m file, but it goes to the .h file instead. Is there any way go to the implementation file?

Or is there any way to create way a shortcut?

1 Answer 1


For the second answer, look here. You can toggle between the source and header using

Ctrl + Cmd + [up|down]
  • thank for you answer but when i watch a class in controller,i need command + leftclick to go to a class's header and then ctrl + cmd +[up|down] go to source,there are tow step,is there any way for one step go to source? Dec 26, 2013 at 5:35
  • Usually I just click on the file name in the explorer project navigator. Or right click and jump to the definition. It would be great if there was just one click for it, though... Dec 26, 2013 at 11:21
  • usually i use quick open to open file...i feel click file name is too slow Dec 27, 2013 at 0:58

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