I have a Car and Appointment model. The idea is to search for the car and create a new appointment with the car_id as a pre inputted foreign key (or association) in the appointment model.

Can I do this through the Path? I would like to add new_appointment_path(@car) on the show path for car, but this doesn't work and I'm not sure if a similar thing is possible?

There's not really any code to post, but needless to say,

belongs_to :car


has_many :appointments


To elaborate (As I realise it's a bit unclear) I would like to be on the route 'cars/1' and click 'create appointment' to bring up the appointment form with the cars association already added.

so new_appointment_path with the car object that I'm currently on.

1 Answer 1


Provided you have an instance @car of the Car model, you could

link_to 'New Appointment', new_appointment_path(car_id: @car.id)

And then in the controller

class AppointmentsController < ApplicationController
  def new
    @car = params[:car_id]
    # and then the rest of the new action code
  • Ok, So would this allow me to do cars/1/appointments/new to create a new form with the car association already inputted? Jan 2, 2014 at 16:30
  • That route would go toward creating a new Appointment instance for a Car instance with id = 1.
    – kddeisz
    Jan 2, 2014 at 16:32
  • Ok, the physical routes aren't necessary for me.. are they required? (I have updated my question with a brief elaboration) Jan 2, 2014 at 16:34
  • 1
    Well, that's the idea behind nested resources. If you just wanted to have it work in the way you described, you could just do new_appointment_path(car_id: @car.id), and then in your controller you could do something like def new; @car = params[:car_id]; end
    – kddeisz
    Jan 2, 2014 at 16:44
  • That's perfect! thank you. feel free to add it as an answer and I will accept. Jan 2, 2014 at 16:53

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