I'm looking for a Javascript/jQuery plugin for sticky header that will not switch the element's style to position fixed. Usually, I'm working with this one http://stickyjs.com/ and it works fine.

I'm working on a website with jQuery animation and one of my div has a sticky header with width:100%. But when I move it to the left (for example), the width:100% is now based on the window's width and not his container.

So, is there an existing plugin that does the same thing as the others but keep the position: relative and calculate the scrollTop to apply as the margin-top for my sticky header?

  • 2
    why do you not want to use position: fixed? Also, if you know the solution, you could try to code the solution yourself. Jan 8, 2014 at 20:49
  • Because my header has width:100% inside another div smaller that the window's width. When the div switch to position: fixed, it gets bigger (the width starts at the same point but goes until the window's edge)
    – pmrotule
    Jan 8, 2014 at 20:56
  • Then change the 100% to 95% or something And please post some code and/or a fiddle.
    – Sebastien
    Jan 8, 2014 at 21:12
  • 1
    As an aside, try not to rely on jQuery plugins; it's easy to become dependent on them instead of writing the code yourself.
    – psdpainter
    Jan 8, 2014 at 21:13

1 Answer 1


EDIT 2021

My answer below is pretty old. I would not recommend to use any JS code for that anymore but simply use CSS with position: sticky; which is much easier to implement, but also much more performant/smooth (note: Internet Explorer doesn't support position: sticky;).

Original answer

So, I solved my problem! Here's my javascript code:

You have to set top:0px as default

function relative_sticky(id, topSpacing){

if(!topSpacing){ var topSpacing = 0; }

var el_top = parseFloat(document.getElementById(id).getBoundingClientRect().top);
    el_top = el_top - parseFloat(document.getElementById(id).style.top);
    el_top = el_top * (-1);
    el_top = el_top + topSpacing;

    if(el_top > 0){
    document.getElementById(id).style.top = el_top + "px";
    } else{
    document.getElementById(id).style.top = "0px";

window.onscroll = function(){

    relative_sticky("your_element_id", 10);

It's not very smooth in IE, so I add a delay:

var delay = (function(){
  var timer = 0;
  return function(callback, ms){
    clearTimeout (timer);
    timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);

window.onscroll = function(){
    if(BrowserDetect.browser == "Explorer" || BrowserDetect.browser == "Mozilla"){
    // or your own way to detect browser
        relative_sticky("admin_users_head", 31);
        }, 200);
    relative_sticky("admin_users_head", 31);
  • this is old but you should consider using requestAnimationFrame to get smoother animation
    – mr1031011
    Jan 31, 2018 at 14:24
  • Another approach could have been adding transform: translateX(0) to my container which would have made my fixed-position child calculating its width relative to the container instead of the viewport.
    – pmrotule
    Jan 31, 2018 at 15:41

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