I got this codes:

<div id='news' class='menuitem'>
<span onClick="MenuItemAction('news')"> //----- CLICK HERE
<div id='news_Submenu' class='Submenu'> //----- SLIDE DOWN/UP SHOWING THIS

<div id='forum' class='menuitem'>
<span onClick="MenuItemAction('forum')"> //----- CLICK HERE
<div id='forum_Submenu' class='Submenu'> //----- SLIDE DOWN/UP SHOWING THIS

And this jQuery attempt:

$(document).ready(function MenuItemAction(element){

Obs.: I want show/hide the respective div on clicking at respective span.

  • What is it showing in Console? Any error? Have you correctly included jQuery library? Jan 9, 2014 at 5:58
  • no, any error, but the effect slideToggle doesn't work. Sorry i'm newbie on it... jQuery library how so? Jan 9, 2014 at 6:02
  • You need jQuery library. Include something of this sort at the top of your page: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> Jan 9, 2014 at 6:07

5 Answers 5


Instead of using a inlined click handler use a jQuery click handler and specify the id of the target element using a data-* attribute

You can try something like

<div id='news' class='menuitem'>
    <span data-target="news" class="trigger">
<div id='news_Submenu' class='Submenu'>


$(document).on('click', '.menuitem .trigger', function () {
    $("#" + $(this).data('target') + "_Submenu").slideToggle("medium");

Demo: Fiddle


Try this

function MenuItemAction(element) {

instead of

$(document).ready(function MenuItemAction(element){

fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ZxtNt/

PS: Dont put this function MenuItemAction under document.ready


changes your codes and try:

<div id='news' class='menuitem'>
   <span class="MenuItemAction" id='news'> //----- CLICK HERE
<div id='news_Submenu' class='Submenu'> //----- SLIDE DOWN/UP SHOWING THIS

<div id='forum' class='menuitem'>
   <span class="MenuItemAction" id='forum'> //----- CLICK HERE

<div id='forum_Submenu' class='Submenu'> //----- SLIDE DOWN/UP SHOWING THIS


        var element = $(this).attr('id');

Try this

function MenuItemAction(element) {

DEMO Fiddle


I think you misunderstood the function of $(document).ready(func).

The ready function will call the func when DOM is loaded.

What you need is a click event handler. Please try the following:

1 define a script tag

2 Add the MenuItemAction function:

function MenuItemAction(element){

No need to add it in ready.

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