I'm having my thesis "Multiple Choice Examination Checker" and I'm having a big issue about what to do with my problem. I got a picture image (a bitmap specifically) here it is, so you can see:

Box Detection using EmguCV

This is the image with the detectedbox, I will describe this:

  • This is an examination paper, 1-50 items. each number has a corresponding box(right side of the number, that serves as a container for the answer)
  • This pictures is just a sample, the number of detected boxes may vary. My approximation is it contains 150-200 detected boxes.
  • Each detectedboxes are stored in a List(MCvBOX2D) which holds the detectedboxes' size, center, etc.
  • I transferred those center coordinates in a new list List(PointF) center;
  • Each box from the image, may have 3-5 detectedboxes. as you can see there are more than one detectedboxes in each of the boxes from the image.
  • I sorted all the detectedboxes in ascending order, so I would know which will possibly be the number1, number2, and so on..

Here is some of my code, which contains the sorting of boxes.

List<PointF> center = new List<PointF>();
List<PointF> centernew = new List<PointF>();
foreach (MCvBox2D box in lstRectangles)
   // this code transfers every center-coordinates of detected boxes 
   // to a new list which is center
    center.Add(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y));
// and this one sorts the coordinates in ascending order.
centernew = center.OrderBy(p => p.Y).ThenBy(p => p.X).ToList(); 
  • I'm done with the sorting part, now my problem is, since there many detected boxes in every box from the image, I would like to group the sortedlist of center-coordinates, so I could eliminate the other detectedboxes and get only one detectedbox for each number.

  • I know it's hard to understand so I'll explain more.

    Let's say my sortedlist of detectedboxes contains first five center-coordinates which are:

let's say this are the center-coordinates of each of the detectedboxes from first box of the image.

 center[0] = [ 45.39, 47.6]
 center[1] = [ 65.39, 47.6]
 center[2] = [ 45.40, 47.10]
 center[3] = [ 65.45, 47.25]
 center[4] = [ 46.01, 47.50]

and the 2nd are:

 center[5] = [ 200.39, 47.2]
 center[6] = [ 45.39, 47.2]
 center[7] = [ 45.39, 47.3]
 center[8] = [ 45.39, 47.55]
  • My goal is to organize all the sorted detectedboxes inside the list, I must be able to group all the center-coordinates that have close value with the other center, specifically their Y-coordinates.
  • What should be the output for your sample list with 9 items? Jan 9, 2014 at 16:52
  • My output should be only 50 detected boxes, meaning 50 center-coordinates. Those 1st and 2nd group of coordinates, are coordinates which are similar but not exact, those are center-coordinates of boxes that detected the some box. Jan 10, 2014 at 1:24

4 Answers 4

var rand = new Random();
var threshold = 1;
var points = new List<PointF>();

for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    points.Add(new PointF((float) rand.NextDouble()*10, (float) rand.NextDouble()*10));


for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++)
    for (int j = i + 1; j < points.Count(); )
        var pointHere = points[i];
        var pointThere = points[j];

        var vectorX = pointThere.X - pointHere.X;
        var vectorY = pointThere.Y - pointHere.Y;

        var length = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vectorX, 2) + Math.Pow(vectorY, 2));

        if (length <= threshold)
            j += 1;

  • hello, i got the correct output. very excellent answer, if im not mistaken this is distance between two points? I just wonder what is that Random() code for? Jan 16, 2014 at 18:24
  • Just some example data for a complete working example. What you're after is the vector length between centers... its brute force though. If you want a "Better" solution have a look at nearest neighbor search. i.e. that will cut down the amount of points you have to check and make your code run much faster. alglib.net/other/nearestneighbors.php Jan 17, 2014 at 10:07

You can calculate the distance between a given point and any other point in the list. If the distance is less than half the width of a box, you can be pretty sure that it's part of the same box.

double threshold = 3.0;  // Make this whatever is appropriate

for (int i = center.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
    if (center.Any(p => p != center[i] && Distance(center[i], p) < threshold))

And you could use this for your Distance() method:

private double Distance(PointF p1, PointF p2)
    double deltaX = Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X);
    double deltaY = Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y);

    return Math.Sqrt((deltaX * deltaX) + (deltaY * deltaY));

You could use Distinct with an custom IEqualityComparer (see MSDN).

As an example, define a class:

class BoxEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<MCvBox2D>
    private static Double Tolerance = 0.01; //set your tolerance here

    public Boolean Equals(MCvBox2D b1, MCvBox2D b2)
        if (CentersAreCloseEnough(b1.Center, b2.Center))
            return true;
            return false;

    private Boolean CentersAreCloseEnough(PointF c1, PointF c2)
        return Math.Abs(c1.X - c2.X) < Tolerance && Math.Abs(c1.Y - c2.Y) < Tolerance;


then use the method in your code like so:

var distinctRectangles = lstRectangles.Distinct(new BoxEqualityComparer());

You are free to implement CentersAreCloseEnough(PointF c1, PointF c2) however you would like; you could use vector distance, absolute distance in x and y, etc.


If you are just concerned about positions with Y coordinates, just sort by that number. If you want to sort both you can add both X and Y and use that number to sort them. Here is an example of what I meen.

    for(int i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++)
        int temp = points[i].x + points[i].y;

        for(int j = i+1; j < points.length; i++)
             int temp2 = point[j].x + points[j].y;

             if(temp2 < temp)
                 Point jugglePoint = points[i];
                 points[i] = points[j];
                 points[j] = jugglePoint;
  • @Katianie- Hi I already sorted my points in ascending order, my problem is there are redundant points, not really redundant because they are not exactly the same. but, they are quite similar. maybe a point in difference. I want to eliminate those quite similar points and retain only one center-coordinates. Jan 10, 2014 at 1:30
  • you could try to take the difference between each point to see if its > a certain amount and if it is keep it. It would probably be a similar double for loop
    – Katianie
    Jan 10, 2014 at 14:23

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