
I have the query sql:

select top 10 NAME, count(*) as Number
from Products as pro
join Orders as ord on ord.ID_PRODUCT = pro.ID
group by NAME
order by Number desc

This code needs to be written in Entity Framework. How to write?


2 Answers 2


Try this

var result = dbContext.Products
                      .GroupBy(p => p.Name)
                      .Select(g => new { Name = g.Key, Number = g.Count()}
                      .OrderByDescending(x => x.Number)

If you are counting the number of Orders per product, then try this

var result = dbContext.Orders
                      .GroupBy(o => o.Product.Name)
                      .Select(g => new { Name = g.Key, Number = g.Count()}
                      .OrderByDescending(x => x.Number)

Ok - I've not tested this, but it should do what you need

var result =     
       from q2 in
         from q1 in
           from p in Products
           join o in orders on p.ID equals o.ID_PRODUCT
           select p.NAME
         group q1 by q1 into grp
         select new{NAME = grp.Key, Number = grp.Count()}
     orderby q2.Number descending
     select q2
  • you have here the join between orders and products as the inner most query (q1).
  • We only care about selecting the name (duplicated for each order) hence the line select p.NAME
  • This is grouped with the group by statement - and we get select the Key (the thing that is being grouped by - in this case NAME) and the Count of items in that group. This becomes the subquery q2.
  • finally we order q2 by the number descending, and use .Take(10) to get the top 10.

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