When I run my program on Windows 8, items in ScrollViewer have additional margins on all sides, on some ListBox-es item background is missing and there is also unappealing item highlighting. Can I force it to render exactly like on Windows 7?

Adding to each

<setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{x:Null}"/> 
<setter Property="ListBoxItem.BorderThickness" Value="0"/> 

seems to fix the problem but background still has hightlighting

1 Answer 1


On Windows 8, the default system theme for WPF is different than the old Aero theme from Windows 7. I think the Windows 8 theme exists alongside the old Aero theme, so you could try injecting the Aero assets into your application on startup:

    var uri = new Uri(

    var aeroResources = Application.LoadComponent(uri) as ResourceDictionary;
    if (aeroResources != null)
    // Proceed with the current theme.

Note that this will make your entire application appear as it does under Windows 7 (not just ListBox items).

  • Thanks. I will restyle everything for Windows 8 since it would not make sense to use Aero in Windows 8.
    – Daniel
    Jan 23, 2014 at 15:41

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