I have a div in the layout page:

<div class="{{$root.containerClass}}">...</div>

There are two route states:

.state('controllerAction', {
    url: '/:controller/:action',
    templateUrl: function($stateParams) {
         return $stateParams.controller + '/' + $stateParams.action;
    controllerProvider: function($stateParams) {
         return $stateParams.controller + $stateParams.action + 'Controller';
    onEnter: function($rootScope, $stateParams) {
        $rootScope.containerId = $stateParams.controller.toLowerCase() + '-index';
.state('controller', {
    url: '/:controller',
    templateUrl: function($stateParams) {
         return $stateParams.controller + '/index';
    controllerProvider: function($stateParams) {
         return $stateParams.controller + 'Controller';
    onEnter: function($rootScope, $stateParams) {
        $rootScope.containerId = $stateParams.controller.toLowerCase() + '-index';

I'd like the class to be changed when the route changes using $stateParams. With the code above it does changes, but only to the containerClass of the previous route.

Any help is appreciated.

4 Answers 4


Check my other answer: Route-Dependent CSS Page Transitions in AngularJS

I got it working with onEnter , plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/LEMntLYosA2gIvNzw5gv?p=preview

I prefer doing something like this

Here is a plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/3Wof05ck3lVLqgTBDOew?p=preview

Listen to a $stateChangeSuccess event:


.state('home', {
    url: '/',
    templateUrl: '/account/index.html',
    controller: 'AccountLoginController',
    containerClass: 'account-index'
.state('book', {
    url: '/Book',
    templateUrl: '/book/index.html',
    controller: 'BookController',
    containerClass: 'book-index'

Run block:


    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess',function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
        $rootScope.containerClass = toState.containerClass;



<div ng-class="{{containerClass}}">...</div>
  • It is my bad. I tried to simplify the question so that it may help to the wider range of people. There is actually also $stateParams involved. Please see updated question. Jan 26, 2014 at 12:18
  • nvermind. Your solution works for updated version as well. The only thing is... I was trying to apply class to the div that is also a ui-view container and for some reason it would not do it. I just made a wrapper div and all started working. Jan 26, 2014 at 12:31
  • I recommend creating a directive on ui-view element , check my other answer again : stackoverflow.com/questions/21211460/… Jan 26, 2014 at 12:35
  • @Ilan Frumer I have it running in my app BUT... it won't take any class in ng-class="{{containerClass}}". It only takes html text e.g., "class: {{containerClass}}" that you have in your plunker, I edited that and couldn't get it to take a new class either. Please Help me! Oct 14, 2015 at 22:36
  • @totallytotallyamazing It should be ng-class="containerClass" without the interpolation, check this out: plnkr.co/edit/AJsVNHMcSLM95F4LYZMy?p=preview Oct 14, 2015 at 22:48

You need :

  • a slugify filter
  • to associate $state to the $rootScope
  • modify your root template to include this variable.


Associate $state to $rootScope

angular.module("your-app", ['ui.router'])
            function ($rootScope, $state, $stateParams) {
                $rootScope.$state = $state;
                $rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;


Include a slugify filter. something like this: http://paulsmith.github.io/angular-slugify/


<body id="{{$state.current.name|slugify}}"> ... </body>

It is allways better use directives for DOM manipulation and this is the case. In this example I'm using ui-router

Here is my code I'm using


(function() {
'use strict';

angular.module( 'directives' ).directive( 'bodyClass', bodyClass );

bodyClass.$inject = [ '$rootScope'];

function bodyClass(  $rootScope  ) {
    return function( scope, elem, attr ) {

        $rootScope.$on( "$stateChangeSuccess", function( event, next, current    ) {
            var url = next.name.replace( /\./g, '-' );
            elem.attr( 'class', '' ).addClass( url );
        } );


<body body-class></body>


So if you have URL like: app/welcome your body class will be :

<body class="app-welcome"></body>
  • 1
    this doesn't work as you will add a class each time the $state changes, the old class won't be removed Oct 3, 2015 at 2:53


<div class="{{$root.containerClass}}">...</div>


<div ng-class="containerClass">...</div>

http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:ngClass So, make use of ng-class directive, and when you want to access a scope variable (either local or root), just state the name, do not use $root


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