I ran into this behavior earlier today and was hoping somebody could explain why this happens:

class Object
  def some_method

Object.respond_to?(:some_method) # => true

Of course, this doesn't happen with other classes:

class Dog
  def some_other_method

Dog.respond_to?(:some_other_method) # => false

So what gives?

  • class Object is itself an Object. Object.is_a?(Object) Jan 28, 2014 at 21:51
  • @JonathanLonowski Yeah, but so is Dog in this case. Everything is_a?(Object). I'm just confused as to why Object specifically would respond to instance methods defined on it. Jan 28, 2014 at 21:59

1 Answer 1


This happens b/c Object is a superclass of Class itself. So class Object is an instance of Object (confusing). When you define an instance method on Dog you dont cause the same issue b/c the class Dog does not appear in the inheritance chain of Class

Object.instance_of?(Class) # True
Class.is_a?(Object) # True
Class.is_a?(Dog) # False

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