I need to construct a SQLite statement based on the below table schema. The ParentEventInfoID is mapping to other items in the same table.

Table Name EventInfo: _id, Name, Description, ParentEventInfoID, SortId

Part of the requirements for the query needs perform a where clause on Name and Description, which I don't have a problem with:

SELECT * FROM EventInfo 
   Where Name LIKE "%search text%" OR 
         Description LIKE "%search text%" 

The part i'm having trouble with is I need to also include the parent item for an entry. Below is a statement that returns all the matches for the LIKE's, but only one parent item even though I know I should have more:

SELECT * FROM EventInfo 
    Where Name LIKE "%search text%" OR 
          Description LIKE "%search text%" OR 
          _id = (SELECT ParentEventInfoID FROM EventInfo
                   Where (Name LIKE "%search text%" OR 
                          Description LIKE "%search text%") 

I haven't done a ton of SQL in a while and I'm feeling very rusty. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • 2
    replace the = after _id with IN
    – Miller
    Jan 29, 2014 at 4:30
  • @MillerKoijam That did the trick! Do you think this is the most efficient way to build like this?
    – KevinM
    Jan 29, 2014 at 4:38
  • 1
    There should be better query. I think we can avoid the like clause in the inner query as we are hitting the same table
    – Miller
    Jan 29, 2014 at 4:41
  • Yeah that's the part I don't like. Seem redundant. But in the meantime your solution got it working for me. If you want to put it as an answer I'll accept it?
    – KevinM
    Jan 29, 2014 at 4:44

2 Answers 2


Try this

SELECT * FROM EventInfo 
    Where Name LIKE "%search text%" OR 
          Description LIKE "%search text%" OR 
          _id IN (SELECT ParentEventInfoID FROM EventInfo
                   Where (Name LIKE "%search text%" OR 
                          Description LIKE "%search text%") 

But there should be better query that avoid like clause in the inner query.

  • Perfect. Thanks for the help. I would like to find a more efficient statement, but this keeps me going. Thanks again!
    – KevinM
    Jan 29, 2014 at 4:55

You can use SELF JOINS

SELECT E1.* FROM EventInfo E1
LEFT JOIN EventInfo E2
ON E1._id =E2.ParentEventInfoID 
Where Name LIKE "%search text%" OR 
      Description LIKE "%search text%" OR  
  • Thanks for the quick reply. I just tried this and it ends up with the same result as my first statement with out the inner select.
    – KevinM
    Jan 29, 2014 at 4:37

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