My script code is for ajax function in database. The code is same as below.

  function showUser(str)
  var selectedLang2 = document.getElementById('lang2').value;
  var selectedSubject1 = document.getElementById('subject1').value;

According to above script code, script code only calls the php file which is selected-option value. So my select-option code is same as below

 <select name="lang2" id="lang2">
    <option value="co">한국어</option>
    <option value="en">English</option>

    <option value="af">Afrikaans</option>

    <option value="ar">Arabic</option>
  <select name="subject1" id="subject1">
     <option value="a">Infection : bacteria and virus </option>

     <option value="b">Infection : virus, fungus and etc</option>
     <option value="c">Malignant neoplasm</option>

So I want to use php variables code(here is, $lang1, $subject1) as like below code.

  $q = htmlspecialchars($_GET['q']);
  $lang2 = $REQUEST_['lang2'];
  $subject1 = $REQUEST_['subject1'];

  $con = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','autoset','my_db');
  if (!$con)

How have i to write script code.

 /*Here is target point.
  var selectedLang2 = document.getElementById('lang2').value;
  var selectedSubject1 = document.getElementById('subject1').value;
  xmlhttp.send(); */

Please, give me a piece of advice. Thank you

1 Answer 1


You can't send any info by GET without specifying the url parameters. But you can add extra parameters to the request url to achieve this.

Change your JS:

var selectedLang2 = document.getElementById('lang2').value;
var selectedSubject1 = document.getElementById('subject1').value;
xmlhttp.open("GET","db_" + selectedLang2 + ".php?q=" + str  + "&lang2=" + selectedLang2 + "&subject1=" + selectedSubject1,true);

Change your PHP:

$q = htmlspecialchars($_GET['q']);
$lang2 = htmlspecialchars($_GET['lang2']);
$subject1 = htmlspecialchars($_GET['subject1']);
  • Really i appreciate your kind reply very much.
    – Drohjho
    Feb 9, 2014 at 5:27

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