This is what is on SpriteKit guide about SKEmitterNode particles:

The numParticlesToEmit property specifies how many particles are created before the emitter turns itself off. You can also configure the node to emit an unlimited number of particles.

Really? How?

I love these half cooked crappy docs Apple write.


1 Answer 1


The SKEmitterNode emits unlimited particles if you set numParticlesToEmit = 0. This is also the default value. Any non-zero value will make the emitter stop generating particles after the specified number of them has been created.

You can read up on this in the SKEmitterNode Class Reference.

  • Does an analogous property also exist for an SCNParticleSystem? I can't seem to find any way to set the particles to be unlimited with SceneKit.
    – JaredH
    Feb 2, 2016 at 18:00

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