In my Lua code I am receiving lot of URLs in form of string.

Example :

['http://www.abc.com/home/', 'http://www.abc.com/', https://www.xyz.com/v/123443/css/' , http://www.xyz.com/css/' ]

I want to fetch those URLs which are like :
https://www.xyz.com/v/123443/css/ where v is pre-defined string pattern and 123443 is random version generated to URL.

Please help me to fetch all URLs which are having that pattern into it like :

  • Did you search is SO for posts about pattern matching in Lua? There are several with lengthy explanations.
    – Oliver
    Feb 17, 2014 at 12:54

1 Answer 1

str = "https://www.xyz.com/v/123443/css/"    

Output: /v/123443/

This pattern matches strings that starts with http or https, and then ://, the website name starting with www., a /, the pre-defined string v and "random" numbers, followed by / and other stuff.

  • yes all sites are starting with www and they are ending like v/21323/css , v/12323/javascript , v/23232323/xml Feb 17, 2014 at 12:09

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