I'm trying do the next instruction in c#:

Form form = this.MdiChildren.FirstOrDefault(x => x is Type.GetType("MyFormName"));

But i have a error: Method name expected.

What would be the correct usage of the instruction.

  • 1
    If this question is about the particular error message, it is not related to lambda expressions - in that case, you should reduce the problem to something like bool a = x is Type.GetType("MyFormName");. Feb 19, 2014 at 19:07

1 Answer 1


Since you have a Type instance you need to use IsAssignableFrom instead of is:

x => Type.GetType("MyFormName").IsAssignableFrom(x.GetType())

This of course assumes that you really can't reference the actual type at compile time. If you can, then you could instead simplify this code to:


Which is going to have something internally that resembles:

x is MyFormName

Which is how the is operator is designed to be used.

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