I have a quick and straightforward question. Which of the following queries is preferred while working with Eloquent ORM in Laravel?

$post = Post::with(array('user', 'comments.from'))->find($id);
$post = Post::with(array('user', 'comments.from'))->where('postID', $id)->get();

I'm struggling to find the difference between ->find and ->get with eager loading.

postID is my primary key in the posts table above. Both performance are nearly identical via my debugger and each run 8 queries.

If anyone can shed some light on this, I'd really appreciate it.

1 Answer 1

  1. This is what you should use; it will return one result model:

    $post = Post::with(array('user', 'comments.from'))->find($id);
  2. This will return a collection of results (even if there's only one):

    $post = Post::with(array('user', 'comments.from'))->where('postID', $id)->get();
  3. Instead of method 2, what you probably mean to do is this:

    $post = Post::with(array('user', 'comments.from'))->where('postID', $id)->first();

Methods 1 and 3 will basically get you the exact same result. Method 1 is more adaptable because it'll continue to work if you change the primary key for the table. It's also faster than the other two methods because it doesn't construct a collection of models.

By the way,this has nothing to do with the eager-loading, as these functions will all work the same on any query.

  • Is this even considered eager loading? Feb 23, 2014 at 0:26
  • @user1011713 barely lol. with() and load() are for eager-loading in Laravel, but in this instance, you're just using them to load additional information into your model. If you were actually getting a collection of models, such as Post::with('comments')->get() to get all of your posts with their comments, it would be considered eager-loading because you're retrieving all of the data with just 2 queries, as opposed to n + 1 queries.
    – TonyArra
    Feb 23, 2014 at 0:30
  • Any ideas how I could eager load the relationship? Feb 23, 2014 at 0:34
  • @user1011713 it's irrelevant unless you're working with multiple posts. Otherwise, you'd do something like the Book method here laravel.com/docs/eloquent#eager-loading
    – TonyArra
    Feb 23, 2014 at 0:37

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