I have few routes in my application:

Sammy(function() {
    this.get('#!foo', function(){

    this.get('#!bar', function(){

    ... and so on...

    this.get('#!special', function(){

And I have a function initialize(); which has no connection to sammy if I hit any of the routes except of #!special. Of course I can copy it each of my routes except the special (which will work, but will be kind of stupid). Is there a way to achieve this?

P.S. or if you do not know how to do this, is there a way to run the function on each route hit?

1 Answer 1


Perhaps Sammy's .before method would work for you?

Here's some sample (untested) code that could do what you want:

this.before({except: {path: '#!special'}}, function() {

The .before() method basically allows you to do some callback before every route, but also allows you to filter out certain routes (or do the opposite and whitelist certain routes).

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