I created a slider using Dragdealer and I'm having a problem reading the slider's value.

Here is my HTML:

<div id="just-a-slider" class="dragdealer">
    <div class="handle red-bar">
        <span class="value"></span>%

and Javascript to enable the slider:

new Dragdealer('just-a-slider', {
  animationCallback: function(x, y) {
    $('#just-a-slider .value').text(Math.round(x * 100));

How to read the value the user has selected?

For example I want to do something like that:

var sliderValue = document.getElementById("just-a-slider").value;

// When the user clicks the Apply button an empty div gets the slider's value that the user selected
var greetingString = sliderValue;
document.getElementById("users_choice").innerText = greetingString;
  • Go read read what's on skidding.github.io/dragdealer first. It's pretty difficult to be clearer than that. Unless you're really new to javascript or programming.
    – Ivarpoiss
    Mar 14, 2014 at 7:12

3 Answers 3


Here is the Fiddle


<div id="just-a-slider" class="dragdealer">
    <div class="handle red-bar">
        <span class="value"></span>%
<input type="button" value="Get slider value" id="button1" />


new Dragdealer('just-a-slider', {
  animationCallback: function(x, y) {
    $('#just-a-slider .value').text(Math.round(x * 100));

    alert($('#just-a-slider .value').text());

Live demo here

  • $('#just-a-slider .value').text(); did the job.
    – kalpetros
    Mar 14, 2014 at 7:29
  • If this solves your problem than you may mark it as an answer :)
    – IT ppl
    Mar 14, 2014 at 7:30

Try this

$('#users_choice').text() = $('#just-a-slider .value').text();

From the documentation at http://skidding.github.io/dragdealer/ it seems you can simply do

var sliderValue = $('#just-a-slider').getValue();

getValue - Get the value of a Dragdealer instance programatically. The value is returned as an [x, y] tuple and is the equivalent of the projected value returned by the regular callback, not animationCallback.

  • I tried it and I got the following error: Object doesn't support property or method 'getValue'
    – kalpetros
    Mar 14, 2014 at 7:22

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