I am having an issue with my program that cross-references a file and displays certain information in an alphabetized, numbered list. I keep getting 2 errors stating "undefined reference" for newMyTree as well as findOrInsert. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong and it is very frustrating. Can someone please help? These are the errors:

C:\**\**\**\**\crossref.o:crossref.c|| undefined reference to newMyTree|
C:\**\**\**\**\crossref.o:crossref.c|| undefined reference to findOrInsert| 

||=== Build failed: 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 3 second(s)) ===|

The code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MaxWordSize 20
#define MaxLine 101    

typedef struct listLinked{
    int numLine;
    struct listLinked*next;

typedef struct{
    char word[MaxWordSize+1];
    ListLinkedPtr firstLine;

typedef struct MyTree{
    NodeData data;
    struct MyTree*left,*right;

typedef struct{
    MyTreePtr root;

    int getWord(char[], char[]);
    MyTreePtr newMyTree(NodeData);
    NodeData newNodeData(char[]);
    MyTreePtr findOrInsert(BinaryTree, NodeData), node;
    ListLinkedPtr newListLinked(int);
    void inOrder(FILE*, MyTreePtr);

    char word[MaxWordSize+1];
    char line[MaxLine];
    int currentLine = 0;

    FILE*in = fopen("passage.in","r");
    FILE*out = fopen("passage.out","w");
    BinaryTree bst;
    bst.root = NULL;

    while (fgets(line, MaxLine, in)!= NULL){
        fprintf(out,"%3d. %s\n",++currentLine, line);
        //extract words from current line
        while (getWord(line, word)!= 0){
            if (bst.root == NULL)
                bst.root = node = newMyTree(newNodeData(word));
                node = findOrInsert(bst,newNodeData(word));
            ListLinkedPtr ptr = newListLinked(currentLine);
            ptr -> next = node -> data.firstLine;
            node -> data.firstLine = ptr;
        fprintf(out, "\nWords               Line numbers\n\n");
        inOrder(out, bst.root);
        fclose(in); fclose(out);
}//close main

int getWord(char line[], char str[]){
//finds the next word in line and stores it in str
//returns 1 if a word is found; 0 otherwise
    static int p = 0; //p retains its value between calls to getWord
    char ch;
    int n = 0;
    //skips over non-letters
    while (line[p]!= '\0' &&!isalpha(line[p]))p++;
    if (line[p]!='\0')return p = 0; //reset p for the next line
    str[n++] = tolower(line[p++]);
    while (isalpha(line[p])){
        if(n < MaxWordSize)str[n++]= tolower(line[p]);
    str[n]= '\0';
    return 1;
}//end getWord

void inOrder(FILE*out, MyTreePtr node){
    void printAWord(FILE*, MyTreePtr);
    if (node!= NULL){
        inOrder(out, node -> left);
        printAWord(out, node);
        inOrder(out, node -> right);
}//end inOrder

void printAWord(FILE* out, MyTreePtr pt){
    void printLineNumbers(FILE*,ListLinkedPtr);
    fprintf(out,"%-20s", pt -> data.firstLine -> next); //print all except first
    fprintf(out, "%3d\n", pt -> data.firstLine -> numLine);//print first
}//end printAWord

void printLineNumbers(FILE* out, ListLinkedPtr top){
//line numbers are in reverse order; print list reversed
    if (top != NULL){
        printLineNumbers(out, top -> next);
        fprintf(out, "%3d,", top -> numLine);
}//end printLineNumbers

NodeData newNodeData(char str[]){
    NodeData temp;
    strcpy(temp.word, str);
    temp.firstLine = NULL;
    return temp;
}//end newNodeData

ListLinkedPtr newListLinked(int lineNo){
    ListLinkedPtr p = (ListLinkedPtr) malloc(sizeof(ListLinked));
    p -> numLine = lineNo;
    p -> next = NULL;
    return p;
}//end of newListLinked
  • 1
    Have you written the code for the functions newMyTree() and findOrInsert()? Can the compiler (or the linker if they are previously compiled) find that code?
    – pmg
    Mar 16, 2014 at 22:57
  • @500-InternalServerError I tried that but it didn't work. Thanks for the suggestion though.
    – Tanya
    Mar 16, 2014 at 22:57
  • @pmg I am unsure. It may be that I haven't previously defined them but I am unsure how.
    – Tanya
    Mar 16, 2014 at 22:58
  • possible duplicate of Beginner receiving an errors stating "undefined reference" in my C code
    – jpw
    Mar 16, 2014 at 22:58
  • @jpw That was my question. I just reworded it and added the errors and posted it again.
    – Tanya
    Mar 16, 2014 at 22:59

1 Answer 1


First, in your main function you have a bunch of function prototypes:

int getWord(char[], char[]);
MyTreePtr newMyTree(NodeData);
NodeData newNodeData(char[]);
MyTreePtr findOrInsert(BinaryTree, NodeData); // this line had some typos...
ListLinkedPtr newListLinked(int);
void inOrder(FILE*, MyTreePtr);

They should go before the main block, but after the various structs you define.

The errors you are getting are is because the compiler can't find the functions findOrInsert and newMyTree anywhere. If you have written them in another file (a header for example) you need to include that file in this with a #include "your_header.h" at the top. Either that or provide an implementation for them in your .c file like you have done with getWord and inOrder for instance.

  • can you give me an example? @jpw
    – Tanya
    Mar 16, 2014 at 23:26
  • @Tanya: what do you need an example of? The function declarations inside main() should be outside main(), after the sequence of typedef statements. The missing functions simply need to be written, the same as the functions that are already present. Mar 16, 2014 at 23:30
  • @Tanya Look at what you've already done with the getWord function. You need to do the same thing with the two missing functions, but oviously with different functionality.
    – jpw
    Mar 16, 2014 at 23:33
  • @JonathanLeffler Im enquiring as to how I would write the missing functions. I have literally no prior background in C so a lot of this is very confusing for me.
    – Tanya
    Mar 16, 2014 at 23:33
  • 1
    @Tanya: Well, one starts as NodeData newNodeData(char str[]) { … } and the other starts as MyTreePtr findOrInsert(BinaryTree bt, NodeData data) { … }, just based on the declarations. What replaces the is not something we can answer; we don't know what you think they ought to do. You've not given a specification for what the functions are intended to do, so we can't write them. We shouldn't write the code even if you do supply the specification; you won't learn if we do it for you. We'll help you if you run into problems with your implementation, but we don't write code de novo. Mar 16, 2014 at 23:40

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