I need to return a Json for a jQuery plugin.

It need to be like this: [{ "name": "Testing", "desc": "OB-2014-0202", "values": [{ "Status": 2, "from": "\/Date(1391295600000)\/", "to": "\/Date(1392505200000)\/", "customClass": null, "label": "DO NOT DELETE" }] }],

but JsonResult return

[{ "name": "DO NOT DELETE", "desc": "OB-2014-0202", "values": { "Status": 2, "from": "\/Date(1391295600000)\/", "to": "\/Date(1392505200000)\/", "customClass": null, "label": "DO NOT DELETE" } }],

Note the [] missing for the "values" node.

Here is how the Json is generated :

public class JsonOrdersGantt
    #region Constructors

    public JsonOrdersGantt(IEnumerable<Order> listOrders)
        Orders = new List<JsonOrderGantt>();

        foreach (var order in listOrders)
            Orders.Add(new JsonOrderGantt(order));


    #region Properties

    public List<JsonOrderGantt> Orders { get; set; }


public class JsonOrderGantt
    #region Constructors

    public JsonOrderGantt(Order order)
        name = order.ordBrand;
        desc = order.ordPO;
        values = new JsonOrderGanttValues(order);            


    #region Properties
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string desc { get; set; }
    public JsonOrderGanttValues values { get; set; }


public class JsonOrderGanttValues
    #region Constructors

    public JsonOrderGanttValues(Order order)
        from = order.ordStartDate;
        to = order.ordEndDate;
        customClass = order.ordStatus.ToString();
        label = order.ordBrand;


    #region Properties

    public DateTime? from { get; set; }
    public DateTime? to { get; set; }
    public string customClass  { get; set; } //: "ganttRed"
    public string label  { get; set; }

And the call of the function :

public JsonResult GetGanttOrders()
    var repository = new OrderRepository();
    var models = repository.GetGanttOrdersList();

    return Json(new JsonOrdersGantt(models), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Any Idea how I can get the Json with [] for the values? (Or using jQuery to get it works without [])

Thanx a lot

  • 1
    The way you have it right now, values is an object. In order to have [] you need values to be an array
    – Andy T
    Mar 17, 2014 at 17:52

2 Answers 2



values = new List<JsonOrderGanttValues> { new JsonOrderGanttValues(order) };

Traversing tree as below using jquery

var obj = [{ "name": "DO NOT DELETE", "desc": "OB-2014-0202", "values": { "Status": 2, "from": "\/Date(1391295600000)\/", "to": "\/Date(1392505200000)\/", "customClass": null, "label": "DO NOT DELETE" } }];

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