I've setup an angularjs project using yeoman (generator-angular 0.7.1).

My tests are running fine as well, using karma & jasmine.

Now I wanted to add some tests that use jasmine's argsFor & clock functions. When I did it, I realized that I'm using Jasmine 1.3 that doesn't support it. I changed my package.json: instead of "karma-jasmine": "~0.1.5" I now have "karma-jasmine": "~0.2.2", but now all the tests (that passed by now), are failing for:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'running' of undefined
at isSpecRunning (C:/some_path/app/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1924:65)

I didn't change these tests. This isn't even related to the argsFor/clock functions.

How can I change my configuration to work with jasmine 2.0 smoothly? Couldn't make it work...



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