I have the following document in a mongodb collection which represents a Snort rule parsed with the perl Parse::Snort library:

"_id" : ObjectId("5328b974be4ed1400900000a"),
"dst_port" : "6000",
"opts" : [ 
        "\"X11 xopen\""
        "\"l|00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|\""
        "ruleset community"
"proto" : "tcp",
"direction" : "->",
"src" : "$EXTERNAL_NET",
"update" : "0",
"action" : "alert",
"dst" : "$HOME_NET",
"src_port" : "any"

I am trying to search all documents in this collection with opts.sid=1226,opts.gid=1 and opts.rev=10.

With the following line I am able to find all documents with sid=1226:


But I can't figure out how to search filtering more fields such as ["gid","1"] and ["rev","10"]
Does anyone know how I can add the extra conditions?

1 Answer 1


You can use $all directly on the opts field to do this:

db.rules.find({opts: {$all: [['sid', '1226'], ['gid', '1'], ['rev', '10']]}})

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