I have a method which returns Iqueryable result, but the result is based on an if else condition, where if condition satisfies then I will use "AssetDetails" class object ,otherwise "UserandClientdetails" object. Here is the code:

  private IQueryable<?> GetAssetDetails(ShareViewModel item)
              if (type == "Video")
    if (type == "Video")
                    return from meta in my.Assets().OfType<Model.Video>()
                           join content in my.Contents() on meta.ContentId equals content.ID
                           join channel in my.Channels() on content.ChannelId equals channel.ID
                           where meta.ID == item.ID
                           select new AssetDetails
                               ContentTitle = content.Title,
                               ChannelName = channel.ChannelName,
    {  return from meta in my.Assets().OfType<Model.Client>()
                           join country in db.Countries on meta.ResellerCountry equals country.ID                       
                           where meta.ID == item.ID
                           select new UserAndClientDetails
                               Name = meta.ResellerName,
                               UserName = meta.ResellerEmail,


So how to decide type of Iqueyable here at runtime??

  • Take Entity Framework out of the picture. What would you do if you had a method that took two paths that returned completely different things?
    – Dismissile
    Mar 24, 2014 at 13:16
  • You can try simply returning IQueryable instead of the generic IQueryable<>. Mar 24, 2014 at 14:47

2 Answers 2


So, I was able to verify that this works, so I'll go ahead and post it as an answer.

You can return IQueryable instead of the generic IQueryable<>. That will accept any IQueryable<T>. However, IQueryable, since it has no direct inner type, is very limited. So, you'll still likely need to cast to IQueryable<> at some other point in your code to get anything done:

// Piece of code where you know you are working with `IQueryable<AssetDetails>`
IQueryable<AssetDetails> assetDetails = GetAssetDetails(someItem);

That's a little dangerous, though, as you're assuming that your code is working perfectly and the right type of thing is being returned. Better would be:

    var assetDetails = (IQueryable<AssetDetails>)GetAssetDetails(someItem);
    // do something with `assetDetails`
catch (InvalidCastException)
    // recover gracefully

What about using a base class ?

public abstract class BaseDetails
    // ...

public class AssetDetails : BaseDetails
    // ...
public class UserAndClientDetails: BaseDetails
    // ...

Then you method would be like :

private IQueryable<BaseDetails> GetAssetDetails(ShareViewModel item)
    // return either IQueryable<AssetDetails> or IQueryable<UserAndClientDetails>
  • Could be wrong, but off the top of my head, I don't think that will actually work. This is a problem with covariance -- an IQueryable<AssetDetails> is not a type of IQueryable<BaseDetails> even though AssetDetails is a type of BaseDetails. Mar 24, 2014 at 14:41
  • You're right. I just tested it, and it works fine. Sorry about that. Mar 24, 2014 at 15:38

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