I have a class that inherits from another class. The setup of the superclass is as follows:

class Creator::BaseResource < Creator::Base
  def request_attributes(action = :create)

And the subclass:

class Creator::Resource::HypervisorGroup < Creator::BaseResource
  def request_attributes(action = :create)

Now, if I have an instance of "Creator::BaseResource", and there is a DB column named "resource_class" which contains "Resource::HypervisorGroup" that makes it known that its a subclass, I would like to be able to say object.request_attributes and get "super" returned, in this example.

The code is far more complicated than this, obviously, but that's the gist of what I want to accomplish. Is it possible? Thank you.

  • object refers to what in object.request_attributes? Object of Creator::BaseResource or Resource::HypervisorGroup
    – Kirti Thorat
    Mar 25, 2014 at 22:19

1 Answer 1


What about that :

class Creator::Resource::HypervisorGroup < Creator::BaseResource
  def request_attributes(action = :create, use_super=false)
    super and return if use_super

And then, you can call object.request_attributes(:create, true) to get the superclass method called

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