I currently use emacs for UVM testbench environment development. I use verilog-mode with solarized theme. I like my current setup, however I would like to improve the functionality of emacs.

I would like to add fold-unfold functionality for block of code / comment.

for e.g. I've a class as follows

class myClass ;
   function myFunction
     // variable define
     // more variable define

    //line 1
    //line 2
    //line 3


   endfunction //
endclass // myClass

If I'm working with 2nd (bottom) begin-end block, I would like to fold 1st one (top) Anything followed by // is a comment and can be replaced with actual code. Can I achieve this with emacs?

  • You're asking too many questions at once. Try to break it down and approach each one separately. I'll get you started: For general-purpose version control, the built-in VC mode is excellent. It's a unified interface to a number of version control systems. There are other options for specific systems as well; for instance, I use Magit for Git.
    – Chris
    Mar 31, 2014 at 0:15
  • I'm afraid this sort of thing is explicity called out as being a type of question to avoid in what not to ask "If your motivation for asking the question is “I would like to participate in a discussion about ______”, then you should not be asking here." Mar 31, 2014 at 0:16
  • Is what you're looking for a software recommendation, or are you gathering ideas for a feature request to emacs? Mar 31, 2014 at 0:18
  • Thanks for responses, I didn't want to break it in multiple questions because I wanted all information in one place to refer to. I completely understand Stackoverflow is not a place for this type of question, however I couldn't think of any other place. I thought stackoverflow would get most exposure and if not answers I may at least get a starter as to where to look / ask for these features. @RichardTingle I want to use emacs as an IDE for UVM development so I'm looking for all available options.
    – wisemonkey
    Mar 31, 2014 at 4:46
  • I'm going to break the question in 5 different question one per feature in original question, I'll edit the same question to start with.
    – wisemonkey
    Mar 31, 2014 at 16:21

2 Answers 2


Here is an example that uses \begin{anything} and \end{anything} for the beginning and ending regexp that is used by the function toggle-block to determine what two points to use to fold everything between those two points. The original poster could modify beg-flag-regexp to be something like function1\\|function2\\|function3\\|function4 and the ending regexp would be something like endfunction. The beginning point should probably be just after function1 so that function1 remains visible when the code block is folded. Additional tweaking / modification to this function would be needed to suit the precise needs of the original poster, but this example should help demonstrate the general concept behind using outline-flag-region from the outline library.

(defvar beg-flag-regexp (concat
  "\\)\\(\}\\)" )
"Regexp matching the beginning of the folded region.")

(defun toggle-block ()
"When FLAG is non-nil, hide the region.  Otherwise make it visible.  For this
function to work, the cursor must be on the same line as the beginning regexp."
  (require 'outline)
        ;; sweet-spot
        (looking-at beg-flag-regexp)
        ;; point could be between backslash and before the letter n
        (let ((line-begin (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 1) (point))))
            (re-search-backward "\\\\" line-begin t)
            (looking-at beg-flag-regexp)))
        ;; point could be to the right of \begin
        (let ((line-begin (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 1) (point))))
            (re-search-backward "\\\\begin" line-begin t)
            (looking-at beg-flag-regexp)))
        ;; point could be to the left of \begin
        (let ((line-end (save-excursion (end-of-line 1) (point))))
            (re-search-forward "\\\\begin" line-end t)
            (backward-char 6)
            (looking-at beg-flag-regexp))))
      (let* (
          (flag (not (get-char-property (match-end 0) 'invisible)))
          (beg (match-end 0))
          (base-flag-match (regexp-quote
            (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
          (end-flag-match (concat "\\\\end\{" base-flag-match "\}"))
          (go-fish (concat "\\begin\{" base-flag-match "\}"))  )
          (if (re-search-forward end-flag-match nil t)
              (setq end (point))
              (outline-flag-region beg end flag)
                  (overlay-put (make-overlay beg end) 'display "\u25be"))
                  (mapc 'delete-overlay (overlays-in beg end)))))
            (user-error "Error locating an ending match for:  %s." go-fish)))
        (if (> (point) beg)
          (goto-char beg)) ))
      (message "Sorry, you are not on a line containing the beginning regexp."))))

Step One:  Paste the entire code for the variable beg-flag-regexp and the function toggle-block into the .emacs file, and restart Emacs.

Step Two:  Open up an empty buffer, and type M-x text-mode RET

Step Three:  Copy and paste the following examples into the buffer you just created:

\begin{wisemonkey}Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus convallis sodales sapien, ut vulputate tellus mollis vel. Aenean accumsan leo est, nec euismod sem imperdiet blandit. In sed consequat mi, in convallis arcu. Vestibulum ultrices lectus nec nisi malesuada hendrerit. Proin molestie placerat rutrum. Donec gravida, ligula sit amet luctus interdum, nisl quam tempus sem, eget varius lacus orci ac sapien. Nulla in metus non neque condimentum blandit. Phasellus sed est a tellus fermentum viverra vulputate non dui. Integer vel tempor nisi. Phasellus turpis lectus, gravida sit amet ornare faucibus, sollicitudin quis metus.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed hendrerit commodo consectetur. Mauris sollicitudin ut sapien a interdum. Maecenas ac nibh sodales, adipiscing leo a, dictum turpis. Sed vestibulum odio id pulvinar rhoncus. Ut fringilla lacus at egestas semper. Nulla aliquet eleifend quam, nec varius tortor tincidunt at. Donec non vehicula tortor, eu congue augue. Nulla a nisi hendrerit, tincidunt sapien eget, accumsan mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.\end{wisemonkey}

\begin{lawlist} Nunc sapien elit, gravida in felis non, volutpat lacinia quam. Nulla ut sagittis turpis. Curabitur faucibus ullamcorper felis, eget hendrerit dolor. Donec volutpat, nisi at condimentum posuere, nulla justo blandit tortor, a rhoncus odio augue id dolor. Praesent sit amet aliquam risus. Praesent odio velit, dignissim eget tincidunt nec, ultricies ut est. Morbi sit amet pellentesque ipsum. Ut vitae laoreet mauris. Donec lobortis auctor tortor, id faucibus urna luctus quis. Praesent vel sollicitudin mi. Sed neque mi, ultrices nec erat ut, congue convallis ante. Sed eu ipsum blandit, porttitor libero ac, volutpat est.

Phasellus gravida urna at ante pretium, sed interdum sem elementum. Maecenas congue purus nec aliquam lobortis. Praesent lacinia ac libero at eleifend. Mauris nec blandit ante. Integer accumsan et elit vitae scelerisque. Maecenas hendrerit, elit quis facilisis rhoncus, mi justo adipiscing erat, vitae pellentesque dui purus eu magna. Vestibulum tincidunt, lacus vitae molestie hendrerit, quam justo feugiat odio, eu ullamcorper risus sem vitae lacus. Vestibulum sit amet nunc in dolor placerat congue hendrerit vel augue. Vivamus ac odio ut purus malesuada gravida eget a dolor. Nullam sit amet nisi congue, lobortis lacus eu, varius ante. Donec vehicula lacinia elit ac condimentum. Aliquam egestas adipiscing orci in pharetra. Curabitur pulvinar tincidunt neque, non tempus nisi volutpat eget. Nulla tincidunt egestas libero, a pharetra orci ullamcorper fermentum. Nulla nec nunc nec urna semper tristique. Proin est dolor, sodales ut pretium eu, luctus a magna. \end{lawlist}

Step Four:  To fold the text, place the cursor anywhere on the line of code containing \begin{wisemonkey} or \begin{lawlist} and type M-x toggle-block

Step Five:  To unfold the text, simply repeat Step Four.

(source: lawlist.com)

(source: lawlist.com)

(source: lawlist.com)


(defun wisemonkey ()
"When FLAG is non-nil, hide the region.  Otherwise make it visible.  For this
function to work, the cursor must be on the same line as the beginning regexp."
  (require 'outline)
    ((let ((line-end (save-excursion (end-of-line 1) (point))))
        (beginning-of-line 1)
        (re-search-forward "function" line-end t)))
      (let* (
          (beg (save-excursion (end-of-line 1) (point)))
          (flag (not (get-char-property beg 'invisible)))
          (end-flag-match "endfunction"))
          (if (re-search-forward end-flag-match nil t)
              (setq end (point))
              (outline-flag-region beg end flag)
                  (overlay-put (make-overlay beg end) 'display "\u25be"))
                  (mapc 'delete-overlay (overlays-in beg end)))))
            (user-error "Error locating an ending match for:  `function`.")))
        (if (> (point) beg)
          (goto-char beg)) ))
      (message "Sorry, you are not on a line containing the beginning regexp."))))
  • Thanks this worked, I'll try few other combinations over the week and report back / ask for feedback around weekend :)
    – wisemonkey
    Apr 1, 2014 at 16:05
  • I'm trying to understand your code, I read very little about emacs lisp over last few days. And it seems in your code (\begin{)(.*}) are 2 groups and both must match to indicate start of block however if I simply want to fold everything between begin and end (there is no \ in front or {text} after). I thought I don't need concat function so (defvar beg-flag-regexp "\\(begin\\)") Is that correct? If yes how would line with go-fish function change?
    – wisemonkey
    Apr 5, 2014 at 22:56
  • 1
    Sure -- the beginning point just needs to be to the right of myFunction. But how do we always know the name of myFunction to search for it with re-search-forward? If we do not know the name of myFunction, perhaps beg could always be at the end of the line containing the word function? But if there are comments after myFunction, then it is not technicaly the end of the line -- so perhaps go to the end of the line and search backward for the comments and set the point at the beginning of the comment (but after myFunction) . . .
    – lawlist
    Apr 6, 2014 at 1:31
  • 1
    I've posted a revised second example that uses the end of the first line (of the beginning regexp) for the beginning point of the fold.
    – lawlist
    Apr 6, 2014 at 2:20
  • 1
    Anyone is certainly free to use and/or modify any code that I post to Stackoverflow / Superuser / Stackexchange / Github. I normally spend more time debugging and perfecting code before I post it to Github. In the context of this particular example function, I would probably want to create one function that can handle all situations -- rather than multiple functions. I would want the function to examine the beginning regexp to know what ending regexp to look for. In short, it's not ready for prime-time -- :) -- it was just a working example to be further perfected by you or anyone else ...
    – lawlist
    Apr 7, 2014 at 19:47

I got this in my config file, you can have a try:

(setq hs-special-modes-alist
      (cons '(verilog-mode "\\<begin\\>\\|\\<task\\>\\|\\<function\\>\\|\\<class\\>\\|\\<module\\>\\|\\<package\\>"

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