I have a celery schedule which is configured like this:

    "runs-every-30-seconds": {
        "task": "tasks.refresh",
        "schedule": timedelta(hours=1)

After testing I find that this schedule is started after 1 hour, but I want to run this schedule instantly and again after 1 hour.

1 Answer 1


If you mean at startup, do it in AppConfig.ready() (new in django 1.7):

# my_app/__init__.py:

class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    def ready(self):

Also see: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/applications/#module-django.apps

If you're only doing this for the tests, I'd rather call/delay the tasks directly than testing the celery scheduler itself.

  • I don't know why but with this my task runs twice, first one when I start django server, second one when I run celery worker with beat Aug 7, 2015 at 6:33

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