I am trying to parse some function to (let([x 1]) x) but racket read [ as (. Is there any simple way that I can keep it []?

this is what returns when I try to escape with backslash[ backslash]:

    (let (|[| fact #f |]| |[| fact2 #f |]| |[| fact3 #f |]|) fact3)

what I want is:

,   (let ([fact #f][fact2 #f][fact3 #f]) fact3)
  • nevermind, I figured out I don't need this.
    – jesse
    Apr 17, 2014 at 6:47
  • you should probably delete the question, then… Apr 17, 2014 at 16:15

1 Answer 1


If you are using the read-syntax primitive, then the parentheses within the parsed data structure have a paren-shape property that will tell you if they were square or not.

For example:

> (define stx-1 (read-syntax #f (open-input-string "(hello)")))
> (define stx-2 (read-syntax #f (open-input-string "[hello]")))
> stx-1
#<syntax::1 (hello)>
> stx-2
#<syntax::1 (hello)>
> (syntax-property stx-1 'paren-shape)
> (syntax-property stx-2 'paren-shape)

So the syntax data structure can remember that the square brackets are there.

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