I'm trying to run this simple raw sql statement with parameters with SQLALchemy (within an alembic script) :

from alembic import op

t = {"code": "123", "description": "one two three"}

op.execute("insert into field_tags (id, field_id, code, description) "+
               "values (1,'zasz', :code ,:description')", t)

And I get the following error :

sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError: A value is required for bind parameter 
  'description' (original cause: InvalidRequestError: A value is required for 
  bind parameter 'description') "insert into field_tags (id, field_id, code, 
  description) values (1, 'math', 
  %(code)s ,%(description)s)" []

The solution:

t = {"code": "123", "description": "one two three"}
from sqlalchemy.sql import text

op.get_bind().execute(text("insert into field_tags (id, field_id, code, description) "+
               "values (1,'zasz', :code ,:description')"), **t)

1 Answer 1


You need to get the connection object, call execute() on it and pass query parameters as keyword arguments:

from alembic import op
from sqlalchemy.sql import text

conn = op.get_bind()
            insert into field_tags 
            (id, field_id, code, description) 
            (1, 'zasz', :code , :description)

Also see: How to execute raw SQL in SQLAlchemy-flask app.

  • 2
    I tried this (passing **t as argument) and got : TypeError: execute() got an unexpected keyword argument 'code'
    – Max L.
    Apr 21, 2014 at 23:44
  • @MaxL., my bad, could you try the code from the updated answer? The idea is to get the connection object and call execute() on it.
    – alecxe
    Apr 22, 2014 at 13:35
  • Thanks, that helped, there was another change I had to make : the query must be wrapped by the text function (from sqlalchemy.sql import text), gave a +1 to your answer, it you add the text() wrapp, (like in my update above) I'll accept it as the definitive answer.
    – Max L.
    Apr 22, 2014 at 14:43
  • 7
    The solution is almost correct. It still gives a 'got an unexpected keyword argument' error. Change '**t' to 't', and it works. Nov 17, 2014 at 15:52
  • 3
    @AneilMallavarapu Note that execute(..) from Session is different from the one in Connection or Engine. Nov 29, 2017 at 16:13

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