
am trying to read the swift message above, line :58A: and line :72:, am having a little issue. My code only reads line :58A: like this C/81000098099CL, but I want it to read down the line before getting to line :72:, in short, the output should be like this for line :58A: C/81000098099CL CBNINGLA.

Same also for line :72:, this is because the messages come formatted in this form. This is my code below

if (line.StartsWith(":58A:"))
    string[] narr = line.Split('/');
    inflow202.BENEFICIARY_INSTITUTION = narr[2];

if (line.StartsWith(":72:"))
    inflow202.RECEIVER_INFORMATION = line.Substring(5);

2 Answers 2


You can replace all new lines not followed by : with spaces (or empty string).

string output = Regex.Replace(text, @"\r?\n(?!:)", " ");
string[] lines = output.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string line in lines)
    if (line.StartsWith(":58A:"))
    else if (line.StartsWith(":72:"))
  • Am pretty new to c# and programming, please can you throw more light on Regex Apr 22, 2014 at 18:08
  • @user3560266 This one is pretty simple. You want to replace newlines with spaces. But if the next line starts with : you don't want to replace the newline. So we are looking for \r\n (newline) not followed by : - (?!:). Also you may have file that uses UNIX newlines - \n, thus we have to make \r optional by appending ?. That gives us \r?. Combining all together it would be \r?\n(?!:) - new line not followed by line starting with :. We replace such match with space. So the text you provided (5 lines) will be converted into text with 2 lines. Then we read line by line. Apr 22, 2014 at 18:30

If the message always comes formatted in this form and : never occurs in the text except for these line starters, consider splitting the whole text into an array by : first. On 0th position there will be nothing, on all odd positions will be the number, on all even positions will be the content until next :. This solution will work providing that you are able to read the whole input into a single string first. I.e. having string message, you can do something like:

var splitted = message.Split(':');
for (i=1;i<= splitted.Length -1; i+=2){
   if (splitted[i] == "58A") {
       //do what you need to do, the text you need is stored in splitted[i+1]

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