I'm trying to call a self-defined command line function in python. I defined my function using apple script in /.bash_profile as follows:

function vpn-connect  {
/usr/bin/env osascript <<-EOF
tell application "System Events"
        tell current location of network preferences
                set VPN to service "YESVPN" -- your VPN name here
                if exists VPN then connect VPN
                repeat while (current configuration of VPN is not connected)
                    delay 1
                end repeat
        end tell
end tell

And when I tested $ vpn-connect in bash, vpn-connect works fine. My vpn connection is good.

So I created vpn.py which has following code:

import os

os.system("echo 'It is running.'")

I run it with python vpn.py and got the following output:

vpn Choushishi$ python vpn.py 
It is running.
sh: vpn-connect: command not found

This proves calling self-defined function is somehow different from calling the ones that's pre-defined by the system. I have looked into pydoc os but couldn't find useful information.

  • 1
    I suspect this has to do with the fact that os.system starts a subshell, and .bash_profile is not read for non-login shells, but I don't know why the existing function would not be visible in the subshell. Apr 25, 2014 at 10:55
  • You might want to look at interfacing with AppleScript directly from Python, rather than using a shell script as an intermediary.
    – chepner
    Apr 25, 2014 at 15:45

1 Answer 1

  1. A way would be to read the ./bash_profile before. As @anishsane pointed out you can do this:

    vpn=subprocess.Popen(["bash"],shell=True,stdin= subprocess.PIPE)
    vpn.communicate("source /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/.bash_profile;vpn-connect")
  2. or with os.system

    os.system('bash -c "source /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/.bash_profile;vpn-connect"')
  3. Or try

    import subprocess
    subprocess.call(['vpn-connect'], shell = True)
  4. and try

    import os
    os.system('bash -c vpn-connect')

    according to http://linux.die.net/man/1/bash

  • os.system('bash -c "source /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/.bash_profile;vpn-connect"') works. Thanks!
    – shi
    Apr 25, 2014 at 12:08
  • 1
    Another option would be to use vpn=subprocess.Popen(["bash"],shell=True,stdin= subprocess.PIPE);vpn.communicate("vpn-connect");
    – anishsane
    Apr 25, 2014 at 12:08

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