Is is better to do a joined query like this:

var employer = (from person in db.People
                  join employer in db.Employers
                  on person.EmployerID equals employer.EmployerID 
                  where person.PersonID == idPerson
                  select employer).FirstOrDefault();

Or is it just as good to do the easy thing and do this (with null checks):

var employer = (from person in db.People
                  where person.PersonID == idPerson
                  select person).FirstOrDefault().Employer;

Obviously, in this one I would actually have to do it in 2 statements to get in the null check.

Is there any sort of best practice here for either readability or performance issues?

3 Answers 3


I'd use this:

var employer = (from person in db.People
                where person.PersonID == idPerson
                select person.Employer).FirstOrDefault();

It's got the simplicity of the first version but still only fetches the data for the employer (rather than the person and the employer).


The second one could evaluate to null which would result in an error.

I like the first one better because if it is null then you can deal with it without an exception being thrown.


I find the first one better to read, but I am not sure of the differences in implementation.

I strongly recommend using LinqPad to see the Generated SQL that will help you figure out differences.

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