I want to design a simple database which contains messages. Each message has a Category. Each message can have one or more Subcategories, but it may not have a subcategory at all.

CategoryKey, Category

SubCategoryKey, CategoryKey, SubCategory,

MessageKey, SubCategoryKey, Message,

The problem with this design is that if a Message Category has no subcategory, how can I retrieve the messages for that Category?

Whats the best approach for this? Should I have a "None" Subcategory?

1 Answer 1


Change the Message Table so it points to the Category table.


Add a MessageSubcategory Table for the one or more sub categories a message might have.


You can get any SubCategories with the following psudeo-SQL:

Select Subcategory
From SubCategoryTable, MessageSubCategoryTable
Where CategoryKey = CategoryKey from MessageTable 
And SubCategoryKey = SubCategoryKey from MessageSubCategoryTable
  • Thanks for this. So what would the pseudo-SQL be to select all the messages for a given Category? SELECT Message FROM MessageTable WHERE Category = "MyCategory" AND SubCategory = ? May 5, 2014 at 15:15
  • anyone have an answer to my query? May 6, 2014 at 15:47
  • For a given Category the psuedo-SQL would be SELECT Message FROM MessageTable WHERE Category = "MyCategory". If you want to include the sub categories, the psuedo-SQL would be SELECT Message FROM MessageTable WHERE Category = "MyCategory" & SELET Subcategory FROM SubcategoryTable WHERE Category = "MyCategory" May 6, 2014 at 19:35
  • subcategory table does not have a Category field, it does however have the Category Key. If for example, the Category was 'Birthday' and it has a subcategory (30th, 40th, 50th etc). Then how would I bring back all messages where the Category is 'Birthday' and the SubCategory is '60th'?? May 7, 2014 at 9:01
  • This works, although might be tricky to maintain if I insert new messages I will need to also insert into the subcategory table... May 7, 2014 at 15:26

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