I am trying to create a databound WPF GridView whose rows can either be read-only or editable (by double-clicking or through a context menu). I would like for the row to return to a read-only state if any of its editable controls loses focus. The functionality I am looking for is very similar to this example but with an entire row being editted simultaneously (rather than a single cell). Does anyone know how to implement this?

4 Answers 4


there is also the "official" wpf datagrid from microsoft at codeplex : http://www.codeplex.com/wpf


With the ListView + GridView control il quite complex because this control "thinks in column" so you have to create a template for every column and switch the read-only template with edit template (for every cell). I suggest you to take a look a the xceed DataGrid. It's free and it implements the edit functionality in a simpler way (you can find info here: http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Intro.html)

  • 3
    800 dollars doesn't look free to me. Dec 17, 2009 at 22:03
  • 5
    The post is quite old. Now xceed don't offer the grid for free anymore. Last year there was a free edition. Now you could use the WpfToolkit (wpf.codeplex.com) that include a DataGrid.
    – ema
    Dec 18, 2009 at 7:42

The latest WPF has its own DataGrid. http://wpftutorial.net/DataGrid.html


This is an old question with an old answer, that this answer no longer works! In .Net 6, for editing Grid-View in WPF, you must use the "CurrentCellChanged" event.


<DataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" Margin="0,50,0,0" CurrentCellChanged="dataGrid_CurrentCellChanged"/>


public MainWindow()

    List<myDataType>? tmp;
    //Add data
    dataGrid.ItemsSource = tmp;

private void dataGrid_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    myDataType tmp = (sender as DataGrid).SelectedItem as myDataType ;
    if (tmp != null)
       //Do your job here
       //tmp has edited data

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