So I have a use case where periodically I update my graph with complex subgraphs. In these subgraphs there will be nodes which are already in the graph, and nodes which are new. I had thought that Merge should do this, but in fact merge appears to create a new node even if there was already a unique node, if the property specifications are not identical.

E.g. on the Neo4j Console, Suppose that I do:

MERGE (a:Crew {name:'Neo', occupation:'The One'})
MERGE (a:Crew {name:'Adam', occupation:'Mechanic'})

That causes the console to create a second version of Neo, rather than to simple attach the occupation to the existing version.

enter image description here

This happens even if you use:


Although now it just refuses to create anything since it won't match the two neo's as one property is blank, and it isn't allowed to create a new node either.

2 Answers 2


It creates a second version because it's not unique. You're specifying an additional property, "occupation", which doesn't currently exist in the original Neo node, so it doesn't find a match and therefore creates a new node.


Use this instead:

MERGE (a:Crew {name:'Neo'}) ON CREATE SET a.occupation='The One'
MERGE (a:Crew {name:'Adam'}) ON CREATE SET b.occupation='Mechanic'
MERGE (a)-[r:KNOWS]->(b)

See also: http://docs.neo4j.org/refcard/2.1/

  • Yes, I appreciate this, but a given user is not guaranteed to know whether a field is filled out or not.
    – phil_20686
    May 27, 2014 at 9:37
  • In our given use case, for example, there are several message standards from which we are harvesting information, and they share some fields but not others.
    – phil_20686
    May 27, 2014 at 9:49

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