I have a base abstract class that also implements a particular interface.

public interface IMovable<TEntity, T>
    where TEntity: class
    where T: struct
    TEntity Move(IMover<T> moverProvider);

public abstract class Animal : IMovable<Animal, int>

    public virtual Animal Move(IMover<int> moverProvider)
        // performs movement using provided mover

Then I have inherited classes some of which have to override interface implementation methods of the base class.

public class Snake : Animal

    public override Animal Move(IMover<int> moverProvider)
        // perform different movement

My interface methods return the same object instance after it's moved so I can use chaining or do something directly in return statement without using additional variables.

// I don't want this if methods would be void typed
var s = GetMySnake();
return s;

// I don't want this either if at all possible
return (Snake)GetMySnake().Move(provider);

// I simply want this
return GetMySnake().Move(provider);


As you can see in my example my overrides in child class returns base class type instead of running class. This may require me to cast results, which I'd like to avoid.

How can I define my interface and implementations so that my overrides will return the actual type of the executing instance?

public Snake Move(IMover<int> moverProvider) {}

5 Answers 5


I suggest changing the return type of the interface method to void and moving the chaining behaviour to an extension method where you can get the real type of the target e.g.

public interface IMovable<TEntity, T>
    where TEntity : class
    where T : struct
    void MoveTo(IMover<T> moverProvider);

public abstract class Animal : IMovable<Animal, int>
    public virtual void MoveTo(IMover<int> mover) { }

public static class AnimalExtensions
    public static TAnimal Move<TAnimal>(this TAnimal animal, IMover<int> mover) where TAnimal : Animal, IMovable<TAnimal, int>
        return animal;

Note you can make the Move extension more generic if you need it to apply more generally:

public static TEntity Move<TEntity, T>(this TEntity entity, IMover<T> mover) where TEntity : IMovable<TEntity, T> where T : struct
    return entity;
  • 1
    I have many different base abstract classes that would require extension methods then... Not really what I'm striving for... May 28, 2014 at 12:15
  • @RobertKoritnik That implies that you are able to write this once and re-use many times using some other solution. If you have many different abstract base classes, whatever solution you provide for one will need replicating anyway, unless they all derived from some master object, at which point I'd back away from the object hierarchy and rethink. May 28, 2014 at 12:21
  • @RobertKoritnik - If you need to do this with more than animals you can make the Move extension method more general - see update. There's no general way to restrict a method's return type to the receiver's type, the closest you can get is the recurring template pattern. This has the drawback of adding a generic parameter to every type in the hierarchy and can quickly get complicated so I prefer moving the generics outside to another method as shown here. This can cause generic type inference to fail however.
    – Lee
    May 28, 2014 at 12:22
  • I now implemented your solution. I'm still having some problems but that will become a new question... May 30, 2014 at 7:23

You can convert Animal to a generic type that accepts the concrete type as a type parameter:

public abstract class Animal<T> : IMovable<T, int> where T:Animal<T>        

    public virtual T Move(IMover<int> moverProvider)

public class Snake : Animal<Snake>

    public override Snake Move(IMover<int> moverProvider)
  • 3
    @JamesBarrass The same, you have just stated that Snake is now a base class so can do Snake<T> : Animal<T>. May 28, 2014 at 12:08
  • 1
    @PanagiotisKanavos: you returned null in base abstract class method implementation. If I return this I need to cast it... :( May 28, 2014 at 12:16
  • 1
    @PanagiotisKanavos I agree, but I think it's important mention this pattern has its pitfalls for those that may not be aware of it.
    – Rik
    May 28, 2014 at 12:21
  • 1
    @Rik the article you point to actually highlights this particular use as one of the places where it solves the task at hand
    – Rune FS
    May 28, 2014 at 12:26
  • 1
    @RuneFS except that it's still possible to create a Snake : Animal<Cat> which is weird, and it's not a very pretty design to look at, still.
    – Rik
    May 28, 2014 at 12:36

How about:

public virtual T Move<T>(IMover<int> moverProvider) where T : Animal
    // performs movement using provided mover

Sometimes you need to have current type as method return value and it has to change in derived classes. I'd avoid this pattern because it'll lead to strange behaviors and unusual syntax (if your model becomes complex) but give it a try (primary because for very small hierarchies it looks pretty simple):

abstract class Animal<TConcrete> : IMovable<TConcrete, int>
where TConcrete : Animal<T>
    public virtual T Move(IMover<int> moverProvider) {
        return (T)this; // Cast to Animal<T> to T isn't implicit

sealed class Snake : Animal<Snake>
    public virtual Snake Move(IMover<int> moverProvider) {
        return this;

Why is this bad? You can answer yourself when you'll need to declare a generic variable of type Animal<TConcrete> (in practice this stops you to have a variable with that base class).

What I'd do is to make this requirement clear (with a class or an extension method - in this case using another name):

abstract class Animal : IMovable<Animal, int>
    // Please note that this implementation is explicit
    Animal IMovable<Animal, int>.Move(IMover<int> moverProvider) {
        return MoveThisAnimal(moverProvider);

    protected virtual Animal MoveThisAnimal(IMover<int> moverProvider) {
        // Peform moving
        return this;

class Snake : Animal
    public Snake Move(IMover<int> moverProvider) {
        return (Snake)MoveThisAnimal(moverProvider);

    protected override Animal MoveThisAnimal(IMover<int> moverProvider) {
        // Peform custom snake moving
        return this;

It's messy, but by introducing a non-generic base interface, an extension method can give the desired result. It can also be simplified (to remove the second explicit interface implementation) if you don't care about exposing the 'MoveFunc' to callers:

public interface IMovable
    IMovable MoveFunc();

public interface IMovable<TEntity, T> : IMovable
    where TEntity : IMovable
    new TEntity MoveFunc();

public abstract class Animal : IMovable<Animal, int>
    protected virtual Animal MoveFunc()
        // performs movement using provided mover

    Animal IMovable<Animal, int>.MoveFunc()
        return MoveFunc();

    IMovable IMovable.MoveFunc()
        return ((IMovable<Animal, int>)this).MoveFunc();

public class Snake : Animal
    protected override Animal MoveFunc()
         // performs movement using provided mover

public static class IMovableExtensions
    public static TOut Move<TOut>(this TOut entity) where TOut : IMovable
        return (TOut)entity.MoveFunc();



Snake snake = new Snake();

Snake moved = snake.Move(); // "Snake"

Animal animal = snake;

animal.Move() // "Snake"

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