I'm trying to use Modernizr to detect if the browser supports certain audio codecs, and it doesn't seem to be doing what I expected.

I ran the following


     //Do Something


But when I tested on Safari (which supports MP4), any logic inside the brackets was not hit. Perhaps I have my logic wrong, or I'm not understanding what Modernizr actually does?

All I want to do is test if the browser supports MP4 audio or not. Modernizr seemed to be the consensus to do this.

Any insights?


  • 1
    From the documentation: "Modernizr tests ogg, mp3, wav and m4a." Maybe you meant to type m4a instead of mp4? Jun 2, 2014 at 19:34

1 Answer 1


You're probably looking for Modernizr.audio.m4a.

On my browser, Modernizr.audio.m4a is "maybe" (true), while Modernizr.audio.mp4 is "undefined" (false).

Refer to the documentation for more details.

  • Great, thanks Wander. I wasn't getting the "Maybe" response as well, so thanks for clarifying that. And yes, I had entered incorrectly as mp4 instead of m4a. Jun 2, 2014 at 20:57

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