I need to check whether a QWidget exists in (x,y)

I use the following code:

QWidget *pObject = QApplication::widgetAt(mapToGlobal(QPoint(x, y)));

It works correctly when the window is normal; but when the window is minimized, it returns a wrong value...

How can I get correct value when the window is minimized?

  • I may be misunderstanding your question but when it is minimized you won't see it on the global map, right? so this would not work
    – Davlog
    Jun 5, 2014 at 14:27
  • Yes, you're right. In fact, i am writing a game like NS-SHAFT. I wanna use widgetAt to check the human whether stand on a stair. The following is my steps: 1. Obtain QWidget in (human.pos().x(), human.pos().y() + human.height()) 2. If there is a stair, human stand on it
    – 0140454
    Jun 5, 2014 at 14:38
  • In Qt Assistant, widgetAt says "Returns the widget at [ global ] screen position point, ..." In other words, does it exist a way to obtain QWidget in window map rather than global map? Sorry for my bad english.
    – 0140454
    Jun 5, 2014 at 14:55
  • Sorry I don't really know about those positions. But you can look at the functions from the qwidget class. Maybe there's a function you can use : qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qwidget.html
    – Davlog
    Jun 5, 2014 at 15:55
  • Thanks @Davlog for reply :) You're right. The best solution is in QWidget member functions.
    – 0140454
    Jun 5, 2014 at 16:34

1 Answer 1


Your problem is that widgetAt() uses screen coordinates but in-fact your point doesn't lie on the screen when your application is minimized.

What you want is a mapping between the container widget and its content (child widget). This is provided by the childAt() function.



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