Say I have this interface (which is NOT parameterised)

public interface MyInterface
     MyInterface copy();

How do I make sure any implementation of copy would return the actual subtype (and not MyInterface).


public Impl implements MyInterface
    public Impl copy() <<<<< The returns type of this needs to be 'Impl'
        return new Impl();

But I can't prevent any implementation to do this:

public Foo implements MyInterface
    public MyInterface copy() <<<<< The returns type of this needs to be 'Foo'
        return new Impl();
  • 1
    You don't need to worry about the reference of the return type. It's the actual object that will do everything as per polymorphism.
    – Braj
    Jun 5, 2014 at 20:06
  • In the calling code you can cast the return value from Foo.copy() to a Foo but you need to be sure then that you're calling copy on a Foo in the first place. Jun 5, 2014 at 20:10

2 Answers 2


You can specify a generic type which is a subclass of the interface:

interface MyInterface<T extends MyInterface<T>> {
    T copy();

class Foo implements MyInterface<Foo> {
    public Foo copy() {
        return null;
  • I don't want to parameterize my MyInterface because it doesn't make any mean anything when put in the context. Jun 5, 2014 at 20:07
  • Don't ignore the warnings MyInterface is a raw type. References to generic type MyInterface<T> should be parameterized It's not generic inside T extends MyInterface
    – Braj
    Jun 5, 2014 at 20:08

Say I have this interface (which is NOT parameterised)

If you want to keep it non-parameterized, there is no solution that will satisfy both your examples. And I don't see why you would want to if you're programming to interfaces and don't control the implementations of your interface.

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