In my controller I have some code, and final part which is returning all results to my view is:

public ActionResult Index(SearchParameters parameters)
... some code ...
var view = new SpremenljivkeView
    Spremenljivke = matchingSpremenljivke,
    Search = parameters,
    TotalCount = matchingSpremenljivke.NumFound,

return View("../Login/Index", view);

Now I whant to send results in View if string in parameters (Internal number) are not empty or null. If is null, return empty value, if not return view with results.

I have try this:

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Internal))
  var view = new SpremenljivkeView
    Spremenljivke = matchingSpremenljivke,
    Search = parameters,
    TotalCount = matchingSpremenljivke.NumFound,

  return View("../Login/Index", view);

But return View cannot be inside If sentece. Any idea how to correct this...

Thanks for any ideas.

1 Answer 1


you need to return EmptyResult in else part as Action nneds to return ActionResult:

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Internal))
  var view = new SpremenljivkeView
    Spremenljivke = matchingSpremenljivke,
    Search = parameters,
    TotalCount = matchingSpremenljivke.NumFound,

  return View("../Login/Index", view);
return new EmptyResult();

and if you want to return same view without values then return only view in else part:

return View("../Login/Index");

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