I am new to MVC validation. I was trying to ignore the validation when I change the index in dropdownlist with submit form. However, if I have another submit button in the from fired the validation, the method below would not work.

dropdown list :

    $("#dropdown").change(function () {

        $('#MyForm').validate().cancelSubmit = true;

another button:

    $("#Button").click(function () {

Because I have some of html elements are dynamically genrated by ajax call, and I want to validate those dynamic elements also, when I hit submit. This is why I am doing this:


3 Answers 3


Finally, I did something below, I solved the issue.

$("#dropdown").change(function () {
    $('#MyForm').validate().cancelSubmit = true;
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    { HtmlHelper.ClientValidationEnabled = false;}


$('input, textarea, select', 'form').each(function () {
    $(this).attr('data-val', 'false');
  • If I did this, all validations in the form would be disabled. At the moment, I just want to disable the validation when I change the index of this special dropdownlist. Other buttons or dropdownlist or links can still fire validation. Jun 16, 2014 at 21:52
  • $('input, textarea, select', 'form').each... put this inside function and while index of your special dropdownlist changed call method and disable validation and simply when index changed again re-enable validation by calling another function. inside function change data-val value to true ($(this).attr('data-val', 'true')); Jun 17, 2014 at 6:28

You can also add special attribute to form submit button:

<button type="submit" formnovalidate>

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